Meet Abigail Rose
She is our newest addition. She is 9 weeks of pure joy. She even sleeps through the night in her kennel.
Here is a video slide show of Abigail and Isabella:
She weighs in at a little over a pound and is already figured out how to climb the stairs. She is doing excellent and has already used the puppy papers and gone outside to potty. We are proud to have this addition and are hoping it will help calm our hyper Isabella down a bit.
Here is a video of Mike reading to our grandson Max:
I hope you will all enjoy these pictures and video’s. It is snowing here in Maryland and Isabella loves it. Abby isn’t sure what exactly it is, but did not hesitate to go potty in the snowy grass.
We have our tree up and decorated and hope to get lights and garland on the front porch. I’ll try to post pictures tonight.
Since I am having surgery and most likely will not be able to enjoy Christmas dinner, we are having a nice Holiday meal with friends tonight.
Please in this Holiday season, keep Christ in Christmas. Stamp Happy, be kind and always
be a blessing!
Much Love,