The Second Verse
Love to all of you, have a great day and GO STAMP! It diffidently makes me happy!

Love to all of you, have a great day and GO STAMP! It diffidently makes me happy!
I am staying busy today, it is the first day of summer vacation, and what happens? It has been storming here most of the day, which means that the pool is closed. Chad is keeping occupied by playing video games. I am going to encourage him to read and do school type book reports during the summer so that his brain doesn’t turn to mush.
I am pretty excited, I am stalking my mail lady for Chad’s report card. If he holds true to form, he will have made the honor roll for the entire school year. Now that is worth celebrating.
Have a blessed day. A special thanks to Barb and Kris who are always there for me, they keep me encouraged, listen when I cry and so much more.
Stamp Happy,
First of all, I would like to thank the dozens of people who have either left comments or sent emails regarding my last post. I hope that my honesty and openness regarding my own personal depression struggle will not only help many but offer you hope.
As I have shared with you previously, I go to a group counseling service weekly. One of the ladies is really struggling right now with many issues. Of course confidentiality rules and I can not share any details here on the blog regarding specifics.
I have decided to try and encourage her by offering her this journal. It measures 5 1/4″ X 11″ and was cut using my Cricut machine. Each and very detail is put together in a way I hope will help her to document (it is a journal) her feelings, hopes and dreams in a pretty and sophisticated way. I will let you all know later in the week what her reaction to this gift is.
Tami, I have not forgotten about you, due to circumstances beyond my control (OK not really but kinda sorta) your box will most likely go postal Monday with the blog candy inside. I put my 1997 Honda Accord in the shop on Friday. I had gotten side-swiped by someone in the parking lot at a local mall causing the metal on the passenger rear door to ripple. I love my “mom-mobile” and plan to keep it a few more years. It is already 13 years old but only has 80,400 miles on it. It runs like a charm and I enjoy it very much.
Have a great Sunday. Be encouraged, claim hope and enjoy some peace and love. As always, Stamp Happy my friends!
This picture was taken last year at Chad’s 8th grade graduation ceremony. Since I needed a picture for today’s blog post, I chose this one. He is even taller now. I really need to copy off some of our Arizona trip pictures for you guys to see.
Here is the big news, I’ve bought a domain name. Very soon, you will be able not only to see items I am making but to purchase them at reasonable prices, individually or in larger quanities at great prices with low shipping costs.
There will be more prizes, a chance to join the “Loretta stamping club” where for one flat rate per year I send you a “kit” for every month’s main project. There is going to be more video’s, more give aways, more blog candy and of course fun things to do.
To squash any rumors, yes I have decided (and started) with group counseling we meet on Tuesday’s and discuss everything from depression issues to substance abuse. I’m really enjoying and gaining both greater self-esteem and learning more about myself.
I have requested from my Primary Doctor a referall for a Psychatrist. My current anti-depressent is working, but not as well as I feel it should. I am looking forward to the meeting and want to share with you my feelings.
God cares just as much about your brain as your heart. I you suffer from a chemical imbalance just like one would suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure, it’s time to take care of those issues. The God of the universe does not find joy in the suffering of his people.
I have had much love, encouragement and success in this persuit. I am feeling much better and with a great family unit and friends who love me, I know that no matter what events life throws at me I am able to adapt and overcome any adversity.
Take time this summer to care for yourself. Take time to stamp, volunteer, play with the kids at the pool and do things that bring both you and those around you joy. Have a wonderful day, and STAMP HAPPY!
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