Here is his folks, all 6 feet 3″ of him. He did it, he made the honor roll for the ENTIRE YEAR! I couldn’t be more proud if I tried!
We treated him out to dinner at Pasta Plus here in Laurel. As usual the food and atmosphere did not disappoint. The company was fantastic, it is so nice to begin seeing Chad as a young adult instead of a child. He has grown so quickly and his intelligence never cease to amaze me!
Don’t forget blog candy is still on the table, I’ll post some new projects (I am doing gifts for my group therapy session ladies as a surprise). Mostly I am making some altered post it note holders using my bind it all machine, fun papers and embellishments.
Today is going to be dedicated to finishing up my mountain of laundry so I don’t have to worry about it during the long weekend!
I hope you are all doing well. Stamp Happy and stay safe!
OK, the flowers are not part of the gift, but they sure do look pretty on my back deck!
Today’s project actually started yesterday Once again (as requested by the soon to be recipient) I have altered a tag book as well as a gift card holder for her July birthday gift.
I am really enjoying this year’s birthday club. I am enjoying my creative endeavors that the club provides as well as picking out things for the recipients I think they will enjoy.
It is very hot here in Maryland and I am looking forward to some more stamping time later today once I finish with the laundry. I am *almost* finished with it. I feel the need for a certain teenager to sort and fold the socks and underwear.
I have a violin lesson on Tuesday, I am so looking forward to, I have my follow up Psychiatrist appointment on Monday morning and my group counseling session on Thursday night.
Genesis 43:23 “And He (God) said, “Peace be with you, fear not, your God and the God of your fathers has given you treasure in your sacks”. This scripture is actually for Simon who was struggling with the financials of his day. Yes, even those in scripture had financial struggles, loneliness issues and issues with self esteem (If you ever doubt that, read the story of David some time, just remarkable what God can truly do). As a follow of Christ, I know that my treasure sack is filled to over-flowing.
Giving me the desires of my heart, my earthly representation of God (My husband, Michael) makes sure that the little things are not lacking in my life. He doesn’t hesitate to help with meals, help with dishes or for that matter make sure that the boys are also disciplined, cared for and loved much.
Today’s short little heart prayer is as follows: “Thank you Lord for my Michael. In many ways I feel he was the angel sent in flesh into the lives of me and my children. If it where not for his gentle leading, faith in you and kind patient nature there is no doubt my life would have taken a much different direction. Please watch over him and our family as we continue down this road of life, hoping to serve and love you and be an example to others of your holy love. In Jesus name…
Have a great weekend, please stay safe and Stamp Happy!
“Fear not, Loretta, for I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward”, this is actually spoken to Abraham in the first part of the book. Scripture is for me, in the here and now, so if God has spoken to anyone in the Bible, insert your name in place, as I have above and watch the Lord work great things in your life.
For those who have asked in many emails, I’ll explain the kit of the month once again.
1. Send me an email (new email is: with your name and address.
2. I will send you a kit including some embellishments and stamped images so you can make the project.
3. There is NO CHARGE for the kit of the month, you just have to sign up.
This month’s project will be a tag book. I will cut out various papers in your choice of colors, and will include different stamped images that you can color and assemble in the book how you like. I will even throw in some ribbon and other fun embellishments.
Every month’s project will be different. Please if you feel so led, you may contribute financially for the cost of materials. However, there is no obligation to do so.
For those of you who are asking for more information on my health both mental and physical, I have a follow up appointment on Monday with the Psychiatrist. Now that we have done the initial testing, we will talk about medications, diet and exercise. My idea of exercise is walking to the front porch to let our dogs out.
My physical health continues to be about the same. The blood pressure medication I take has now been tripled. Yes you read that correctly. The first medication we tried had an annoying side effect and I’d cough most of the night through. This is much better since the change and over all I am feeling better.
The girl I made the pretty pink journal for in my group counseling session, loved the book, she even sent me a text message to my cell phone telling me how excited she was to have received it. As I get to know these (all ladies) I will be making more projects tailored to each individual. Something to let them know I am thinking of them and that yes they are special.
Have a great night, don’t forget about blog candy, a picture of this month’s goodies are on the side bar, please remember a $25.00 gift cert to Michael’s or AC Moore (your choice) is also up for grabs. Please spread the word on your personal blogs, face book, etc.
As we look forward to the anniversary of the founding of our great nation, it is important to once again remember we where founded so we would have freedom of religion. One nation under GOD.
The altered dry erase board project took me about 6 total hours to complete with three hours or so added onto the process for drying times.
I basically deconstructed a dry erase board I received many years ago while working at a Physician’s office.
It was magnetic and had the pharmacy drug name on the board. I basically tore it apart and reinforced the original board with heavy weight chip board and started adding layers of paper to construct the frame. I have a roll of dry erase material that I used for the base.
This beautiful project would look great with a personal picture on the outside door cover and inside of the door. The door is held closed with a Velcro dot.
First blog candy, an altered note pad and a $25.00 gift certificate to your place of choice, Michael’s, AC Moore or Wal-mart. Please leave a comment any where on my blog. Candy will run until July 16 with more goodies being added every week.
First Kit of the month is a surprise, if you want a fun 3-D project and would like to become part of my kit of them month please send me an email to with your name and address. There is NO COST for being part of my project club. If you feel led, I appreciate any Pay pal donations you would like to gift.