Owl be thinking of you — a never ending card.
Last flip — back of card
Third flip
Second flip
- When you have time on your hands, put them together and pray.
- Be the person who changes everything in some one else’s life. Your own life will be blessed.
- Be true to yourself and believe in the power of your dreams. Even when you don’t see a point, know that the blessings to come will come down like a welcome shower of rain on a super hot summer day.
Speaking of rain, our dry parched neighborhood received very welcome thunder storms and nice heavy steady rain last evening. You could hear our vegtables and grass raising up and praising the Lord for the bounty of the blessing.
Blog candy will be drawn on July 22, so please remember to get those comments in, tell your friends and spread the word! Thanks to all whom have emailed, signed up as followers and left positive and encouraging feedback!
Have a wonderful Monday night, we will be enjoying our first Bacon,Lettuce,Tomato sandwiches using our own lettuce and tomatoes! I am so excited about a sandwich I’m getting pretty excited thinking about every mouth watering bite!
Stamp Happy, Be a blessing to someone today!