Squigglefly — Lil Bird — Video Tutorial
Paper is from The paper pantry “princess pack”.
Other materiials, adhesive, stick pin and ribbon.
Thank you for joining me, Stamp Happy and be a blessing!
Paper is from The paper pantry “princess pack”.
Other materiials, adhesive, stick pin and ribbon.
Thank you for joining me, Stamp Happy and be a blessing!
I am so glad you are able to come and watch the video and read my blog post today!
I am enjoying some quiet time with Chad who is off from school today and tomorrow. I am hoping to be able to have lunch with my precious husband, Michael tomorrow and having Chad join us is just a treat!
Speaking of food, I’m hungry! I know thanks for sharing . . . Onto Craft related things.
The bird cage was origionally orange. I sanded it down and painted it with a blue craft paint. I even painted the light wires and cord to match. The bid is the bird with vine, cut away from the bottom and side pieces and re-layered on a fabric covered base and some paper shreds. It is embellished with some stick pins and flowers from Recollections. It is very pretty lit up and offers a small “night” light. My best friend, Barb loved the piece and it is now at home with her.
Chad is a very handsome young man and I really appreciate him taking his time to film my video’s. So, I thought I would take a few moments and tell him “thanks man” and post his handsome picture!
A couple of corrections Things are “painted” not “ink or inked”, I’m sure you’ll pick up a couple more obvious errors in communication. I had a bit of a headache when I filed this one, and unfortunately it shows.
Have a great Tuesday, stamp happy and be a blessing!
Hello everyone!
As I sit and type today’s blog post, I am ever reminded of how utterly dependent I personally am on my electronic devises.
I love my Kindle, Ipod, Droid and Sony Vaio, my Terabyte backup drive and even my space heater. How I would go crazy waiting for paint to dry if I didn’t have a heat gun, I’d be blind if it where not for modern glasses, lightening and even the ability to change the size of the font.
I can quickly find information I want (and some I don’t) by just a few “key” words and a searh, I can learn about everything from biology to the latest craft phase.
After more than a week living with very limited abilities to use my computer, I am humbled and even thankful that I live in an age of technology.
Ok, after all that stuff, I’d like to tell you about the pictures at the top of today’s post,
The first three pictures are of the altered coasters (from Stamponthis.com). The calendar was purchased from vippies.com and I just love how this one came together. It is for my Sr. Angel, Ms.Vivian.
The Thankyou card is for a swap hosted by a friend and I used stick pins in the cards as decorations. I am really loving making the stick pins, they are so fun and are coming out well.
I hope you all hae a great weekend, stamp happy and be a blessing.
Loretta R.
Loretta (proud to be Mrs. Rodger)
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