When I first received this image from Holly my first thoughts where of my Chad when he was a little boy.
It brought back memeories of him carrying around his own love baby (A white rabbit) that he refused to give up even for pictures. Ahh such sweet memories.
For today’s project it measures 6X6 finished and would be nice on a scrapbook page, mini book or even a card for a friend.
The back ground ‘quilt’ look behind the main image.
1. Cut card stock to 5 1/4″ X 4″
2. Cut scraps of patterned paper to 1 1/2″ and 1 1/4″, sponging all edges.
3. Piece these ontop of the base card stock with your favorite adhesive, trim off any excess and sponge one more time with your favorite blue ink.
4. Using your favorite embosisng folder (this is a cuttle bug one that has gears on it) I used a ballet blue ink (retired SU) and inked the inside of the folder. Then placed it in my Vagabond and embossed it.
5. Place this on the top right side of the 6X6 base then cut a piece of darker blue card stock that measures 5 1/2″ X 1″ and round the edges and apply to the base as shown.