It is Christmas time. For those of you who do not follow my blog or my face book page please click
here to find out details of Craig’s conviction of Child Pornography charges.
Yesterday was especially hard. I had a grocery list as long as my arm, a laundry room about filled to the ceiling with waiting laundry and that meant a work day for me.
It started fairly normally. My husband sent me five links about Craigs conviction and to read them just made me cry.
I got myself pulled together after speaking with my husband for a while on the phone and ran off to conquer the world.
I did not realise how difficult it would be to go to the Postal Exchange or the Commissary. All those men and women in Uniform. Serving our country with honor, proudly serving I might add. My heart sank. I faught back tears the entire time during my trip. I was anxious to get home and unload my groceries. It had been a while since I visited the store so it was a large shopping trip to restock.
When I finally made it home I found out my very intelligent younger son is letting his grade slip. Now I have one more hurdle to over come.
How do I react to these circumstances? Well, a little chocolate and many prayers. Both helped! I am not trying to make fun or light of the seriousness of the circumstances I find myself in the midst of in my life, but I will tell you, ALL THINGS, no matter what they are will WORK TOGETHER for HIS Glory.. not mine. The New King James version reads: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those
who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Please note a word in this passage that gives me comfort well, two words, “his purpose”. What a comfort to know that I can rely on my heavenly Father to provide in circumstances and battles we find ourselves in every day. It is my prayer you will trust him to bless you and provide according to his purpose.
I had tears again this afternoon. Some what selfish ones. The ones that fall because Satan wispers in your ear you could have, should have and still need to do something else, it is your fault and you should take the blame. All I have to say to that one is LIAR! Don’t listen to the lies listen to God’s truth.
I do believe that TRUTH will set you free but you must believe in God’s truth that he sent his son to die for our sins and that his blood covers and erases our sins. We will celebrate his birth this Christmas.
I always look forward to christmas.
Just to
be with loved ones dear to me.
To hear those song of holidays.
I believe
that I must say.
I love to spend christmas at calvary.
The most
beautiful gift was given.
When god himself, and mercy decorated ah tree.
The most beautiful light there is shining.
I love to spend christmas at
As I look at the beautiful garland.
Wraped around the tree
I think of grace, so rich and true.
And life abundantly, as
I go back to that glorious scene.
Where the most beautiful gift was
When god himself, and mercy decorated ah tree.
The most beautiful
light there is shining.
Oh I love to spend christmas at calvary.