Unraveling the mystery
Like most Sunday’s of late, Mike and I enjoyed worship services with fellow believers at Lake Guntersville family day. North Broad Church of Christ. As a recovering Southern Baptist, I must admit there are several differences with the doctrine between the two Christian worship services and beliefs.
One of the most notable is that the celebration of the Lord’s supper is every Sunday in the Church of Christ, where most Baptist Churches celebrate it quarterly. Another interesting observation, the music. I love to sing, I love hymns. In a Baptist Church especially now a days there is a “Praise” team. In a Church of Christ Congregation, each member is the praise team. There are no instruments, just the voices lifted to the God most high.
In many ways this small precious church takes me back to long ago days spent with my grandparents. Both believers in Christ. It was important to them that their grandchildren knew the gospel and their prayer the children and grandchildren would accept Christ as savior for themselves. My grand father was a fire and brimstone kind of preacher. I have often teased throughout the years that if you where not saved when you walked into a Sunday morning service, you would be before you left. How precious those days of enjoying an “Old fashioned” Sing were to me. How precious they still are.
In the daily grind of life, with all the unexpected twists, turns and even trials, knowing we serve a risen Savior is as constant as that River. It does not vary its course, it stays true.
One of my favorite hymns is “Standing on the Promises”. “Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let his praises ring;
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.
Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.”
So my friend, stand strong on the promises of God. Remember he sent his son as our atonement.Remember it is not that the Lord allows bad things to happen. It is his promise that he will be there when they do.
Stamp Happy be a blessing! Until next time.
November 17, 2016 @ 2:46 am
That blog was beautiful…..without the Lord we have nothing…SO STAND STRONG WE MUST….Amen