Today’s struggles will be tomorrow’s victory
No kidding friends, I have the very best husband ever!
As I have been blogging about my current depression issues, he has been non-stop supportive of me and of my willingness to not only share my feelings but to have the ultimate goal of being the person God truly can use as he continues to mold me into his image.
Yesterday I barely got out of bed. Yes the depression was that bad. Today is much better, once again in great part to that husband of mine. He had an early morning dental appointment, and came back home just to give me a hug and re-assure me. He also reminded me when I have a funk like yesterday, I should reach out and talk to him. I am actually looking forward to the 22, and beginning to see a Psychiatrist. It is my goal to also seek individual counseling.
Just because we (you and me) suffer from depression there is not a stigma attached to that. I would rather be honest about my struggles than to “put on” a happy face and lie. When you are open and honest about your feelings and share them with others, not only will you feel better you will be better.
Tami, once again I am so sorry I haven’t made the post office, I should throw in a couple extra goodies since I am so darn tardy with the blog candy.
Have a great day, be blessed, hang onto hope and know that you are very much loved.

June 16, 2010 @ 3:20 pm
Hi hun x Suffering from severe depression myself, I truly understand what you are saying, and totally agree about bringing it out in the open. I too have a supportive husband, and I think this can often be the key to recovery x Take care x Leigh x
June 16, 2010 @ 7:09 pm
Just wanted to tell you I'm proud of how great you're doing! I finished getting counseling for my depression last summer and this past year has been wonderful. I was in denial about my depression for at least 5 years and didn't think it would ever get better. I'll be praying for you!
June 17, 2010 @ 4:51 pm
I hope things start looking up for you. Depression can really suck the fun out of life. 🙁