The Second Verse
I know that some of you who are regular readers of my blog may be offended by the words to the second verse of the Star Spangled Banner, or say, Loretta is just trying to help this person with their campaign.
No, the second verse is about the men and women you see above. Who are they? Well, to tell you the truth, I know many of the individuals in these photos on the bottom photo on the right, in the cute Hawaiian shirt is my hero, Michael.
These men and women have at one time or another for varied amounts of time served our country on active duty in one of the many branches of Military service. They are the defenders of our freedom. Many of them even though they have retired and have moved onto jobs in the corporate community are still in one way or another serve our nation.
I have goose bumps just thinking about the many sacrifices that have been made, the freedom that we all have in great part is a gift from men and women just like those who you see in the photos above.
Onto another subject; Tami, your blog candy went postal on Friday. Once again, time and circumstance have delayed the progress of getting it postal for you. Thank you for your patience. Please email me when you receive the package.
I will begin some more “Crafty” stuff on the blog, sorry I don’t have a store set up as of yet, my go-daddy payment got kicked out by pay pal and I had to start all over again. It was such a pain to sit on the phone with Pay pal for so long, but I was pleased with the customer service and the outcome was positive.
Blog candy will begin on 6/23/2010. Be watching for pictures and details. Have a great week. Tomorrow’s post will be about my doctor’s appointment. I will meet with a Psychiatrist (a doctor whose specialty is mental health, remember God created your brain and your heart he wants you to be a whole person — the more well you are the better you can glorify him).
As a follower of Christ Jesus, I am a living – breathing testimony to his greatness, I am looking forward to being totally free of any depression issues and continuing to serve my God in both the community and in my own home.
Love to all of you, have a great day and GO STAMP! It diffidently makes me happy!

June 22, 2010 @ 5:22 pm
Hope your appt went well.