The finish line is near!
Here is a video of the house remodel and the recipe box – swap
The main part of our remodeling process is starting to come to a close.
We are actually almost a week ahead of the contractor’s schedule. There is still finish work to be done, lattice, privacy enclosure on the deck, furniture for the porch and deck and we will be putting shutters on our shed for a rain barrell.
We are also adding a privacy fence around the back of the house for privacy and to allow the dogs a good run of the back yard.
Please note, the music you hear in the video was purchased from the Itunes store . I really love classical music.
The not a recipe box, box swap is for Erin at the My Scrap room websight.
Click this video for blog candy information, it is coming up soon, and it is also a 200 Subbie give away for You Tube!
The final touches on the rear deck will be made tomorrow.
I receive many comments on the Never Ending Card, I would like to remind every one that Scrap and Stamp arts dubed my card (the version of the NEC) the “coolest Card Ever” and it still is!
Stamp Happy, Be a blessing!!
May 9, 2011 @ 9:14 pm
Love the little box, Loretta.. Remodeling looks great!!!