Swap, video and a few personal thoughts
It is the old saying “if you can’t say something nice”. Instead of focusing on the negative, please keep in mind no one person currently walking this planet is perfect. I am far from it. I am at times extremely inpatient, and if I have asked you to just give me space and you continue to infringe upon that request. I will take actions to protect myself.
Some times, like my mother told me while growing up. A personal time out is a much needed thing. Take a few minutes. If you are in the middle of something just kindly say “I need to walk away for a while”. If it is a friend or a spouse remind him/her that you love them and just need a bit of space to sort things through. You’ll both come out better.
As my very wise husband tells me, don’t depend upon your feelings. Walk in what you know. Not what you feel. He also says something else to me. Even with him being nearly 8,000 miles away, if there is a disagreement even minor, “I’ll see you on the other side”. I know he will not leave me nor do anything to threaten our marriage or love for one another.
It isn’t always an easy thing. Kill gossip at it’s source. It is your responsibility. Don’t you think it is high time that you mend hearts, uplift souls and give it all to Jesus. The ultimate healer of hearts, the giver of life itself and the keeper of your very soul.
Just food for thought. Please go and be a blessing to some one today. Thank you all for blessing me with reading my blog and watching my Youtube videos.
Be a blessing!
April 27, 2013 @ 5:03 pm
I really enjoy your videos. I thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts.
Take care. Linda 😉