sixty one days until Christmas! With Project slide show!

  I have had such a nice day.  I am enjoying the weather as it starts to cool down and we look forward to the fall and winter holidays.
  It is hard to even conceive that Christmas is 61 short days away.  I had a very special lady step up and help with a swap I hosted on line.  It was unfortunate that during this swap we had one participant that not only didn’t want to follow the rules, but frankly made the experience unpleasant for the rest of us.
  In spite (or because of) the situation, I had one lady who was determined to make this swap a success, and a success it is.  This swap will be closing in the next couple of weeks and I am so grateful that it is ending on a high note. 
  I hope you will enjoy the cheesy Christmas music.  Grab a cup of hot tea or coco, and get creative.  Stamp happy my friends, be a blessing.