RCAD#10/ Rolodex card a day/with my first fast forward video!!
Today is an exciting one! After oh, I don’t know more years than I can count, I am finally getting a real hang of the fast forward, splitting videos, turning them right side up from the way they were filmed. I should go out and play the lotto.
Of course, I won’t. I’ve spent a little money buying some dies I really wanted at a really super price and it is now to go back into the saving mode. I love saving when I can. I know that our retirement years will be enjoyable.
Today’s RCAD I’ve entitled “Just Smile”, that is what this card makes you want to do. I saw a video on a mixed media post card today and I sketched out an image similar to the one I saw the girl use (she used a stamp) and I attached it to my RCAD. I really enjoyed today’s card and hope you will give these cards a try! Thanks for stopping by!
Stamp Happy be a blessing! Enjoy the video!