Pomp and Circumstance Congratulations to Chad, class of 2013!
I just brought this little baby home from the hospital, didn’t I? I guess not. Fast forward 18 years and you have a wonderful young man, crossing the stage to the shouts from his Mom and birth Father. It is a short video, Don’t tempt me to post the long one, it would take for ever to upload. So, for now I’ll just stick with this.
I couldn’t be more proud, and at the same time sadness is also there. I told Chad today probably more than any other day, that my precious Michael is most undoubtedly 8,000 miles and 5 minutes too far away. We could feel his presence right there. I received a wonderful email from him and I will quote part of it “Loretta, I can almost hear pomp and circumstance in the background, if I was there I’d probably have a tear in my eye, please hug the kid for me!” Trust me on this one friends and family, I did indeed give him a nice long firm hug from his Dad. Chad misses him. I miss him.
Life has a way of moving along. It brings us joy, and sorrow, and some times both at the same time. Today I am reminded of the resilience of the human Spirit. The grace of God and the quest to do something with our lives.
Thank you for sharing this important event with us. Congratulations to the Meade Senior High School Senior class of 2013. May your future be bright and your underwear always clean!
With love,