It’s a piece of pie! (Blog candy continues)
Its a piece of Cherry pie with a cherry on top!
Don’t you just love this? I actually bought the pie die from this web sight, click here.
I also used the Sizzix Cupcake & Ice Cream die (38-0998) that is retired. If you own this die or would like some cup cakes and ice cream die cuts, they are free, just tell me colors or send materials and I’ll gladly cut them for FREE. Just pay for return shipping. Email information is on my side bar so just drop me a line if you are interested.
What do you guys think about a ‘kit’ club. Basically I would chose one to three projects and feature them on the blog. I all you would need to do is send me your mailing information and I would send you off a kit. The kits will not be exact duplicates of what I show on the blog just due to supply limitations. If you need more than just one kit for doing goodies for an event, just let me know and I’ll quote you a price and customize to your needs. Donations will be appreciated but not necessary. Lets face it it will only cost a couple of postage stamps. Please leave feedback for this idea via the comment section and email.
Edit! After the already over whelming feedback and emails, I will offer this as my first kit of the month, if you want the supplies to make this for yourself, send me a self addressed stamped envelope, email me for the address! Sorry for the quality of the video, #1 Chad (aka camera guy) wasn’t in the mood to shoot it and #2 I forgot to turn on my “studio” lights. I hope you get the idea anyway. I promice the next one will be better.
I finally heard from my Airman Craig today. Several factors, mainly he is a bit un-organized and couldn’t find his cell phone charger. He apparently finally found it after tidying up his area. I’m thinking he needs to stay active duty for a while and remember the basics from basic training!
One of these boxes filled with goodies is now part of blog candy. It will be similar to the one pictured above. So that is one pie box and $25.00 blog candy at current.
I hope every one is enjoying a beautiful day. Stamp Happy!

You tube link: