Isabella’s first “Big Dog” clip — and one crafty pic
Do my eyes deceive me? October. It is hard to believe it is October.
Today, after a bit of soul searching (actually thinking very hard on the subject a few days ago) the decision was made to take Isabella down to skin.
She and Snickers’ (our other Shih Tzu) love to play. He, unfortunately, has an ear infection and has been licking her ears. I thought it was kinda odd, but our vet said, not so much.
I kinda looked for our little Isabella (calling her Izzy more and more) to look more like a Shih Tzu I owned many moons ago (try about 16+ years now) her name was Muffy.
I will never know what happened to her, and to this day I think about that sweet dog.
I was a little surprised, OK, even shocked when my groomer, Barbara handed over my baby. Yes, ladies and gentlemen… I agree with what most of you are saying. I can hear you all “She looks like buttercup”. Strikingly so in color anyway.
She has completely healed up from her surgery and was a very good girl for a first timer. She has contented herself with playing with her brother and chasing her tail.
She didn’t like having the ears cleaned out, but who does. She is a precious beauty and we are so enjoying her as part of our family.
The last picture is a tag I am working on for an on-line swap. I hope to have them completed by the weekend.
I hope you are all doing well. I love each of you. Remember you are special, and important.
Stamp happy, be kind and most importantly, be a blessing,
With Love,
October 4, 2013 @ 12:08 pm
She's so sweet. Your tag is beautiful. Have a nice day, Johanne L.