Isabella Mae Rodger– our new furry little addition
I actually started my search for a baby about 3 weeks ago. I found a few. But some people wanted a small fortune for a little fur ball.
Mike and I had already decided that we would name our newest addition Isabella, but now for her middle name. We considered Amelia and Abigail. Then in a flash of brilliance, which we all know my husband is, he really wanted it simple and Mae it is.
She will have her first appointment with our vet tomorrow.
A few key things as an owner of a geriatric dog I had totally forgotten about.
An 8 week old puppy will find every scrap of crap you missed with the vacuum. They are also fond of dryer sheets and like to pull your curtain panels down with their razor sharp teeth.
She has an even temperament and so far we haven’t had any unexpected issues. She piddled in the laundry room, easy enough to clean up it’s concrete.
We tried a short leash walk. Made it two blocks. She has had a harness and it will take some getting used too.
Snickers old man is adjusting very slowly. He kinda growls at her and she belly “commando” crawls toward him tail just a going. I look forward to many happy years with our precious new addition.
On a side note, please pass the word about my swap for push pins/thumb tacks. See the video on youtube.
Stamp happy and always be a blessing!
With love,