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  1. Holly
    March 15, 2011 @ 1:33 am

    Great card Loretta! I love the stars you used in the background – perfect for this image!
    The fairy bottles I've been seeing from this swap are so charming! Love yours!


  2. Cindy
    March 15, 2011 @ 10:57 am

    Loretta, Love the patriotic card!!! My Dad was an Air Force man, as well as my brother!! Go Air Force!!
    I have never heard of a Fairy bottle!!
    How unique!!
    Please visit my blog, as I have something there for you!!
    Thank you!!


  3. Lola
    March 15, 2011 @ 8:50 pm

    Your card is just gorgeous. I too think it looks great without lots of coloring.

    Great Fairy Bottle stuff! How cool is that?


  4. Anonymous
    March 17, 2011 @ 1:19 am

    Very lucky girl, love all your goodies your received.



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