Extra-Extra Read all about it! BIG CHANGES COMING YOUR WAY!
This picture was taken last year at Chad’s 8th grade graduation ceremony. Since I needed a picture for today’s blog post, I chose this one. He is even taller now. I really need to copy off some of our Arizona trip pictures for you guys to see.
Here is the big news, I’ve bought a domain name. Very soon, you will be able not only to see items I am making but to purchase them at reasonable prices, individually or in larger quanities at great prices with low shipping costs.
There will be more prizes, a chance to join the “Loretta stamping club” where for one flat rate per year I send you a “kit” for every month’s main project. There is going to be more video’s, more give aways, more blog candy and of course fun things to do.
To squash any rumors, yes I have decided (and started) with group counseling we meet on Tuesday’s and discuss everything from depression issues to substance abuse. I’m really enjoying and gaining both greater self-esteem and learning more about myself.
I have requested from my Primary Doctor a referall for a Psychatrist. My current anti-depressent is working, but not as well as I feel it should. I am looking forward to the meeting and want to share with you my feelings.
God cares just as much about your brain as your heart. I you suffer from a chemical imbalance just like one would suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure, it’s time to take care of those issues. The God of the universe does not find joy in the suffering of his people.
I have had much love, encouragement and success in this persuit. I am feeling much better and with a great family unit and friends who love me, I know that no matter what events life throws at me I am able to adapt and overcome any adversity.
Take time this summer to care for yourself. Take time to stamp, volunteer, play with the kids at the pool and do things that bring both you and those around you joy. Have a wonderful day, and STAMP HAPPY!