Craft Room hoard clean out Day 6
Things have to get worse before they are better. (quote my mother!). Today is day six of clean up. Yesterday was spent with some stamps and making a prototype for the Christmas cards going to Hospice patients. I also sold some things from this space I am no longer using.
Today’s projects included purchasing a book case for my space, it is solid black, at this moment I am unsure as to if I will be painting it white. With the other black elements in my space, the black color is nice.
My main goal today is to try and regain space for creativity. It is my goal that before bedtime I will have the floor clear and only have one large box out for sorting. As with many plans the constraints on time and energy may preclude that from becoming reality.
Once again, if you are redoing your space, it is my suggestion to do what you can, when you can. Do not put false parameters on your time. Taking things slowly allows you to not second guess later on. Here is the video on YouTube.
Have a wonderful weekend! Stamp happy and be a blessing! Until next time!