Pictures of Chad at Prom, of me on Saturday May 11,2013 and the flowers Mike sent me
Hello Friends!
Talk about the week from well you know where, I’ve had it. If you follow me on Facebook, Yes I back, after being taught how to block people who mean harm and also how to handle myself a little bit better when I get really angry at some of the things people post.
My computer was attacked by a virus, it is called the “FBI” virus, it scared me. After the experience with Craig I am very leery of doing too many searches and I keep my anti-virus up to date. Even with all of my precautions, this virus hit my computer. It destroyed my operating system. The Best Buy technical support manager who fixed my computer, told me it was one of the worse viral attacks on computer that he had personally seen.
I still will not recover much of the data I had stored on this machine, so when I ask you for the what seems like millionth time to give me an address, or other information, just smile, try not to laugh too hard and if you are able, send me the information I need.
On a side note, well…I had a great weekend. It was quiet. I went to a ladies tea on Saturday, Chad and I spent time together on Sunday, he gifted me a beautiful card and a hug. Mike had arranged for the delivery of the beautiful flowers from a local florist and those were delivered to me on Saturday. They are so beautiful, and so much appreciated.
It is hard to believe that Chad will be finishing up school in about 16 days. He still has quiet a bit of work to do but is progressing well. You can see by the pictures above he was goofing off before he went to his Senior Prom. He had a wonderful time and he was really glad he went. It was also the first time he drove at night with a thunderstorm causing visibility to be poor. He did extremely well and came home safe, and sound.
I hope you are all doing well, I hope to get back to blogging on a more regular basis. Take care,
I bet you are all thinking, where the heck has this girl been?
Well, to tell the truth I’ve been cleaning. My over zealous shopping as of late has caused me to re-think how I was not only storing things but what items in my “hoard” pile I could possible get rid of.
So, I contacted a few personal and on-line friends and sent out boxes. As many of you may know I gifted Candace three huge boxes of sizzix dies I was no longer needing they are for the Mountain Ministries program she is helping to sponsor.
I couldn’t think of a better way to help decrease my stash than to donate to a cause that is close to my heart. You see, there was a time many years ago that I found myself having to file a restraining order and stay in a women’s shelter with my two young boys. I appreciate this ministry because it deeply touches my very soul.
As many of you know after my divorce I re-grouped and several years later God provided the best thing that could have ever happened to us, Mike Rodger, my husband.
Here is he video of her receiving my swap:
What many of you do not know is that I have two very serious medical conditions. The first is that I am a type II Diabetic. The second is I have high blood pressure.
Thanks to two wonderful doctor’s I’m happy to report that currently both conditions are well controlled with medications. I am not so happy to report that I have recently regained lets just say a few pounds since my surgery in October of 2011.
Following surgery you are on a mostly strict liquid diet. During this process I lost approximately 25-30 pounds.
My ultimate goal is to return back to about 130 Pounds. Current weight is 174#. A little easy subtraction and you get… 44 pounds. That number actually frightens me a little.
I hope you will follow along with my process. I am going to do a juice diet along with protein from fish, chicken and eggs. Due to my diabetes and blood pressure I am advised to not do a total juice fast. My blood will be tested monthly to be sure every thing is in order, and I also have to go to my doctor’s clinic for blood pressure and weight checks.
I highly recommend that you check with your doctor and get into a healthy life style. I have been feeling tired and heaven’s knows I am tired of taking so much medication. With luck I will be able to lower and even eliminate the medications I currently am taking.
On another note, I hope to have some May birthday projects ready for you to see soon. So stay tuned, get healthy, stamp happy and let’s all say it together
Please do not miss understand what I am saying with this video. I have had too many times in my life where people have spread rumors and gossip about me, and they don’t even personally know me. Very recently I received an email from “Martha” (changed the name to protect her identity) had a kind enough heart to email me to let me know that “so in so (insert the person’s name here) told so and so (insert person’s name here) said that I had etc., and then I etc.,
I do not live by the principal that just because I have been told about some one that that information is true. Even, if you personally have had a bad experience with another individual, that does not give you the right nor the responsibility to pass on this information to some one else.
It is the old saying “if you can’t say something nice”. Instead of focusing on the negative, please keep in mind no one person currently walking this planet is perfect. I am far from it. I am at times extremely inpatient, and if I have asked you to just give me space and you continue to infringe upon that request. I will take actions to protect myself.
Some times, like my mother told me while growing up. A personal time out is a much needed thing. Take a few minutes. If you are in the middle of something just kindly say “I need to walk away for a while”. If it is a friend or a spouse remind him/her that you love them and just need a bit of space to sort things through. You’ll both come out better.
As my very wise husband tells me, don’t depend upon your feelings. Walk in what you know. Not what you feel. He also says something else to me. Even with him being nearly 8,000 miles away, if there is a disagreement even minor, “I’ll see you on the other side”. I know he will not leave me nor do anything to threaten our marriage or love for one another.
It isn’t always an easy thing. Kill gossip at it’s source. It is your responsibility. Don’t you think it is high time that you mend hearts, uplift souls and give it all to Jesus. The ultimate healer of hearts, the giver of life itself and the keeper of your very soul.
Just food for thought. Please go and be a blessing to some one today. Thank you all for blessing me with reading my blog and watching my Youtube videos.
A quick post about this little bush. She is a Camilla bush and is very pretty. This bush has been moved at least 6 times in the 6 1/2 years we have owned this home.
She just didn’t thrive. When we moved her to the back fence into a slightly raised planting bed, she started to thrive. It gets afternoon sun and is protected from the harsh sun in the middle of the day.
Over the last few years, she has had maybe 3-4 total tiny blooms. This year (Year two in her current home) she has been a show off. The blossoms, while still small are just beautiful and there are so many of them I can not even count them.
It has been such a joy watching this little bush reach new heights and know that in future years it will be even more beautiful.
Hopefully this creation will win me a nice prize! Accucut Craft is hosting a contest to see what we their wonderful consumers can use with their products.
I’m happy to say I used everything recycled on my project from the chipboard base (light weight chipboard) to the pattern paper and google eyes. Everything I had on hand. I love this little bear face and she would be really easy to make an album with this same concept.