“Hey mom, Just Five more minutes”
It was not your typical Friday. Those wonderful long awaited trees arrived today. Michael has all but one in the ground, and we are busily working to get the rest of the yard and our small garden started.
Chad, playing contently outside, is called for dinner, just five more minutes, of course, its Ok since I still need to get the garlic bread out of the oven. It is just one of those days. I nearly burned the bread when I called him the second and third times…..
I’ve called the 19 year old Craig and asked him to move his car for the fifth time, for goodness sake that dog has been barking for five minutes, she isn’t gonna hold that ‘present’ for much longer.
The Lexie dog just threw up on the rug, Snicker dog pooped on the rug (hey but he tinkled on the paper), and Buttecup is ‘mark marking’ (She doesn’t really bark) for the fifth time in 10 minutes. Again.
Some days, the day is just five minutes too long. I’ve asked for the recycling to go out five times to many, (but mom I need five minutes), the garbage is piling up and the laundry is still waiting patiently to be finished.
The husband has grumped about something you can’t possibly control and your dear mother is driving you up the wall. I’ve told the kids to brush their teeth for the fifth time, or they’d end up with only five teeth. Must be a day of fives. Maybe I should play the lottery. Then again, I don’t have five bucks in my purse.
I was thinking, what I could do with five minutes, one of my favorite videos, talk about Mom sense, its worth the watch. The video doesn’t take five minutes to watch though 🙂
Sigh. I have decided that life is too short to worry about five minutes. Maybe, just maybe tomorrow will be a ‘want five more minutes’ please day.
My mom told me that there would be days like this. I guess she forgot to tell me that they may last for more than one day, one week, one month or even one year. Keep your head up, feed the dog, clean up the living room .
For those of us who are believers in Christ, my favorite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11-14, I hope you will dust off your bible and read it. It is simple, I keep in mind that the Lord is the one in charge of my path, he knows the plans he knows the ways, I only seek and find his ways.
Just a few thoughts! Have a blessed Friday Evening!