Please check the side bar of my blog, and click this
link for Memory Making Crafts she has a great store front and you will be seeing my work on her website and soon to be blog. Her prices are fantastic and we have begun to develop a wonderful friendship and working relationship.
First mini blog prize will be some Magnolia images and ribbon, please leave a comment any where on my blog for a chance to win. Blog candy mini will be drawn on September 2.
Yes, I was lazy and sat the mini scrap book up on my computer to take the pictures, it was the ultimate in lazy, but I was busy eating Reese’s cups and drinking soda. No wonder I’m so blasted heavy. Hey my fat is my friend.
On a side note, the depression issue has very much lifted, I thank God for the correct medications, a great doctor and a wonderful professional counselor.
The magnolia image is actually the front of the book, and the back of the book is the three hearts, the other pages shown are in no particular order.
Would you like a custom magnolia mini album of your very own? Click my tip jar and donate $20.00 and I’ll send you one in your choice of colors, just let me know when you make the payment what you would like.
Have a great Wednesday evening and be a blessing to someone. Stamp Happy!