Before I begin today’s post, I wanted to share this with all of you;
I think we live in very difficult times. We are constantly being told that we are not good enough, that we must be beautiful and rich and perfect in order to be worthy human beings. God says that we are good enough just the way we are, that He made us in His image. We don’t have to conform to societies standards to be worthy of happiness, we don’t have to be perfect, we just have to learn to love ourselves and each other just the way we are, faults, blemishes, sins and all. Please click here for the complete web article.
With my on going treatment of depression and knowing I am not the only one who struggles, I really try to make sure that my blog reflects my belief that there is hope, peace and real happiness for those who suffer with this disorder. I will be honest, today wasn’t my best. Actually to be very honest the depression today was probably the worse I have had in many months. That has not gotten me totally down, I am here, at my computer getting ready to do some stamping and keep a positive outlook not get quad meyered down in the slit that is depression.
What do I do when I have days like this, well, first of all I check my “self-talk” I make sure I am surrounded with positive things. Secondly, if needed I take a nap. It makes a world of difference. My precious husband and I have had to deal with dogs and dog “dodo” for the last few days, we believe the two females have some kind of virus that has given them both the literal craps.
This is causing sleep disruptions from having to take dogs that otherwise sleep through the night out several times not to mention the “my feet where on the paper” doesn’t that count accidents we have to clean from the carpet (Yuck, I know thanks for sharin’).
Last night was the last of the group counseling sessions I have to attend. It was so precious, we celebrated a birthday and I got lots of hugs from everyone. I’ll miss the group but it was time to move on. I will stop by on occasion to say hello and support the group when I am able. My cup truly runneth over.
Please enjoy the photos of the pillow box purse bags I made for the occasion. I ran out of “clock” and really wanted to do more with them, but the decorative paper and roses seemed to be just right. Everyone just adored them. I love doing this kind of stuff.
On a side note, Tracy who has now moved to Alaska, sent me a sweet post card today, it was really so nice to receive it and hear she is doing well as she gets settled into her new home. I wish you the best my friend, so glad you and your family are safe in your new area.
Time to finish up today’s blog post, I hope you are all having a great day, that you find peace and joy and that you are a blessing to someone else. Stamp Happy, be well, mind body and spirit, God bless you all!