Blog Winner– Jeannette!! Thanks to every one who played along!
What a fun project… great altering! October 5, 2010 9:24 AM

Tomorrow is blog candy $75.00/cash, altered item and a few surprises for the winner, so get those comments in, comment often and tell your friends.
Stamp happy, be happy!
Queen Kat Designs:
Shannon Hawkins:
Jenny Johnson:
Whimsical Ink Sorority:
Jessica Griffin:
Vicki Douglas:
Kat Blue:
Jeanie Dickinson:
Dark Ink Sorority:
Charlene Cundy:
Loretta Rodger:
All of these boxes can be purchased through my friend Theresa’s web sight click here for her information.
I must admit I had a really good time with these boxes, I still have a few more to embellish for her web sight but, am having fun doing so.
The pretty Halloween box is now embellished with glow in the dark paint for the spider eyes and belly as well as the bat eyes, they truly glow in the dark very nicely!
Today’s post will be a short one, as I need to tidy up my desk and get some projects ready for my classes at Hobby Lobby here in Laurel, MD.
There will not be a class in my home on October 9 or 10 th due to a conflict in my schedule and lack of participation.
Have a great evening and Stamp Happy!
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