Birthday Club gift
Today’s project actually started yesterday Once again (as requested by the soon to be recipient) I have altered a tag book as well as a gift card holder for her July birthday gift.
I am really enjoying this year’s birthday club. I am enjoying my creative endeavors that the club provides as well as picking out things for the recipients I think they will enjoy.
It is very hot here in Maryland and I am looking forward to some more stamping time later today once I finish with the laundry. I am *almost* finished with it. I feel the need for a certain teenager to sort and fold the socks and underwear.
I have a violin lesson on Tuesday, I am so looking forward to, I have my follow up Psychiatrist appointment on Monday morning and my group counseling session on Thursday night.
Genesis 43:23 “And He (God) said, “Peace be with you, fear not, your God and the God of your fathers has given you treasure in your sacks”. This scripture is actually for Simon who was struggling with the financials of his day. Yes, even those in scripture had financial struggles, loneliness issues and issues with self esteem (If you ever doubt that, read the story of David some time, just remarkable what God can truly do). As a follow of Christ, I know that my treasure sack is filled to over-flowing.
Giving me the desires of my heart, my earthly representation of God (My husband, Michael) makes sure that the little things are not lacking in my life. He doesn’t hesitate to help with meals, help with dishes or for that matter make sure that the boys are also disciplined, cared for and loved much.
Today’s short little heart prayer is as follows: “Thank you Lord for my Michael. In many ways I feel he was the angel sent in flesh into the lives of me and my children. If it where not for his gentle leading, faith in you and kind patient nature there is no doubt my life would have taken a much different direction. Please watch over him and our family as we continue down this road of life, hoping to serve and love you and be an example to others of your holy love. In Jesus name…
Have a great weekend, please stay safe and Stamp Happy!
June 27, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
What a delightful gift and a gorgeous project!!! Love it!
June 28, 2010 @ 11:11 pm
I just love your tag book and I'm sure the one receiving it will be happy with it also.
I saw what your wrote at the end of your post and I want to tell you how lucky you are to have a good man in your life. Well your not really lucky your blessed!
God Bless, JoAnn
June 29, 2010 @ 11:54 pm
What a fabulous gift! So cute. Love the colors you used.
July 1, 2010 @ 11:15 pm
I'll have to agree with you. Your hubby is always very nice.
Your gifts are pretty.
July 1, 2010 @ 11:15 pm
Love the colors!
July 17, 2010 @ 11:50 pm
These are so cute!