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1 Comment

  1. Gloria Westerman
    September 19, 2011 @ 10:44 am

    It seems like you have a flood of emotions…..
    How do you love a stranger? I'm sure there are books and stuff on the internet that can help you ease into this new life… with your Paster and most of all do what you feel God is leading you to do…..there are some things you can not chance…..then there's the three c's

    1. Cause- did you cause this….
    2. Change- can you change it….
    3. Cure—can you cure it….
    If you can not do any of these things….leave it at Jesus feet…he "can" do all of these….
    I hope this helps ….or maybe you'll just tell me to mind my own business….if so please tell me…would like to be a friends…


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