A special Thank you!

My ‘anything’ goes card swap
First off for today’s post I would like to thank “my secret friend” for the package. I would love to share the details of the letter that came with the package, however out of respect for the sender I will not. It was a nice surprise and I really will enjoy the contents. I want to thank you for the sincere letter. At least I am not the only one to address certain issues that you brought up with kindness and respect. The package and the letter are both blessings to me.
I am not sure if you can see all the wonderful goodies or not, but inside the box wrapped in a bunch of bubble wrap, plastic bags and tissue paper I found a bunch of fun stuff. There are fun brads, ribbon (I love ribbon) and some stuff to alter, two tag books (I plan to use as patterns). Some cute stickers, page adornments and more.
The package couldn’t have arrived on my front porch at a better time. As many of you know, my sweet Michael is working far from home. It is difficult on us both. He will not be coming home this weekend I probally will not see him until next Friday.
I had gotten a bit spoiled with him working from home and being able to spend my day to day with him beside me. I made a decision a week ago that I will treat myself to a one time maid service. Yes, I can do house work on my own, but this is the deep down stuff I will gladly let some one else do!
For those of you who are participating in my ‘anything goes’ card swap, here is a list of the cards I have currently received. Please have your cards in my mail box no later than Thrusday, March 5, 2009. I am extending the deadline to allow my late swappers a chance to participate.
Peggy B.
I really think every one will be thrilled with the swaps they receive back. For those of you who sent hostess’ gifts, my sincere thank you. I also really appreciated all the kind words and notes/cards you sent along with the swaps.
Have a great day !