A fresh start — art joural age with progress video and pictures
Every day teaches us valuable lessons. We must choose to learn or to disregard what is given to us.
Today I was gifted (ok, not gifted) frustration. It seemed at every turn, in what should have been an ordinary day I was frustrated. First the trash can had mystery liquid in it. Then the dog knocked over the recycling bin and made a mess.
Of course, I could bore you with more details, but that wasn’t the worse part. Skype is not working properly. I love spending precious time with my sweet husband. Tonight’s Skpe issues made that nearly impossible. Technology is great when it works… however, it is a totally different story when it doesn’t.
This next week promises to be both fun and adventuresome. I will be giving you all more details at a later time.
I hope that you will all be a blessing. These last few weeks I have been given and gladly accepted the opportunities to help others. I bought a simple meal for some one in need (a financial blessing) I helped some one to reach an item out of their reach (a physical blessing) and I have been praying for a friend with a very specific need (a spiritual blessing). So when I say, Stamp Happy and be a blessing that is why. When you bless others, you receive a great blessing in return. I am thankful for good health and a great family.
Be kind to one another. I look forward to future blog posts and videos. If there is something you would like to see me make a video of, please let me know and I will take it into consideration.
Until Next time…