A few pics of my craft room

Sorry for not posting the last few days, but I have been busy re-organizing my craft area.
I have a three tiered desk that we use for homework and it is where my new cricut express will also live. I moved this desk over about 12 inches and moved the CD tower over against the side, it is much easier to access my main stamping area. The skirted table is where I do most of my work. I am not sure why the picture came out so dark, but the area is well lit. I’ll be putting track lighting in over the table soon.
For those of you who are asking, my oldest son Craig is doing well. He has requested some leave before he starts his second school in July. He will be doing Networking and is really excited to get a great field with computers and technology. He is doing well and his morale seems high. I’ll let you know if he gets to come home for a couple of weeks soon.
For those asking the blog candy questions, you may leave a comment anywhere on the blog, if you put my candy on your blog side bar you get your name in the hat an additional five times. I am having a blast watching the counter on the blog go up!
I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather. Mike put in a new shrub hedge and planter in the front of our home and we are thinking of doing one down the side yard. One day we plan to put on an addition to our home and a privacy fence in the back yard. That would be so great.
Have a great day and I’ll blog you later! Stamp Happy!