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  1. Donna
    November 6, 2010 @ 2:06 pm

    I love the elf topper! He's really cute and I'm looking forward to your tutorial. I just have a few Copics. I wish I had more but money is tight right now. I'd love to learn to use the ones I have better so I hope you can give us some tips when you get certified. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!


  2. Annie
    November 6, 2010 @ 2:06 pm

    ooooh my gosh!!! You sure have a lot of copics 🙂 I'm glad you got a storage for all of them – that's definately something to be proud of! I don't have a problem storing my copics right now…may be it's because I only have two 🙂 he-he-he
    Love your picture, Loretta, you look so pretty and so happy!!!


  3. Kathleen
    November 6, 2010 @ 10:22 pm

    Thank you for the way you group your copics, never thought of it that way. Don't have as many as you but quite a few.


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