A blogger award!
I received a blogger award from Martha!
Rules; Post award to your blog, link the award to the person who sent it to you and nominate 5 more people you think deserve this great award.
Please click on Martha’s name to view her blog;
Here are my nominees;
Thank you so much Martha for the really great and neat award! It is an honor!
I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Chad’s braces came off today! Yipee! His mouth is a bit sore and irritated, but he teeth look fantastic!
Here are some pictures for you. First off the picture to the far left is my early Birthday present. It is a beautiful Seiko watch Mike picked up for me at the local jewelry store. I am thrilled.
The next photos are pictures of the ornaments I made yesterday. All together I have made 36 total. With a tragic incident three of them were broken. All that work, at least I saved the stamped portion and can easily remake the ones that were lost.
I took eight of these ornaments with me to the orthodontist office today, the girls and Dr. Heller really enjoyed them. The receiptionist couldn’t believe that these where not ‘store’ bought. They really enjoyed receiving them.
Trying to get the last minute arrangements together for Turkey day. We are so excited to have Mike’s two kids join us for lunch along with a family friend. I will try and take alot of pictures and post to the blog on Friday. Blog candy will be added too on Friday as well, so please keep those great comments and the encouragement up. I need all I can get.
For those who are asking about Melissa (my niece) there is still no word from Georgia. Just continue to pray for our family!
Here is a picture of the goodies I received from this round of secret sisters on Splitcoaststampers. How much fun are these!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!