Proud Air Force Mom
Boy am I tired! It was a long evening yesterday and now it has been a long day!
Lets just say Mike and I are disappointed in the lack of information and quality of information given to us by Craig’s recruiter.
Top upper left, Craig getting smushed (is that a word?!) by a Mom not really sure if she can let him go, middle top, Mike, Loretta and Craig. Far right, Toby (Craig’s biological father) and Craig bottom left, Loretta with Craig.
Mike took Craig out for breakfast and a ‘what every boy needs to know about becoming a man’ speech. Later that day Toby met us and we took Craig to his favorite resturant, Red Lobster for lunch.
Last evening we took him to the MEPS station and stayed until nearly 8:00 pm, this morning we where there at 9:05 a.m. and did not return home until after noon when we returned after lunch the mom took a much needed nap.
I am hoping that he will do well through basic training and grow up! It’s just time!
I am hoping to do some Christmas shopping tomorrow and drop by one of my favorite local stamp stores, Create It crafts. You can click here for their websight! I will be teaching the “Never Ending” flip card this Saturday. Click on the calendar at the bottom of the page to find out more details!
I hope every one has a nice week, I’ll be blogging a little later on this week!
Stamp Happy!