Don’t worry about me! A quck update on “progress”
A quick post this morning to let my loyal blog followers know I won’t be stamping until the middle of next week. Check my previous post for the details of blog candy!
I have new paper storage coming in on the 13th, and I can’t even get to my stamping desk until then, it is covered with my paper. If you are local area plan on checking in on the blog or via email around the 15th of July for a listing of what I will be selling or gifting. There is way more paper than I realized I owned. I will also be sharing some other items, cigar boxes and other things, tins, etc., for altering.
Also, if you are in the local area and are in need of a washer and dryer, please let me know, I am selling my old set and have purchased the Duet from Whirlpool. The set is in excellent condition. Uhaul of course.
I’ll be posting some pictures of the progress. Be safe and Stamp Happy!