400 You Tube subscriber give away! Watch the video for details!

Yes, you can enter the give away as many times as you’d like.  All you do is subscribe to my blog and or YouTube and leave comments on either or both it is up to you! 
Hi Stampers, Crafter’s and Friends!
  All I can think of to say is wow!  I never imagined having more than a few subscribers to my You Tube channel.  As of 6:10 pm, EST I have 398 subscribers. So I have decided to do a give away!
  First off, if I can figure out who #400 actually will be, I will be sending that person a special card for helping me out! 
  From today 3/9/2012 until 3/16/2011 leave comments, rate my video’s and subscribe, the more I get the better.  I am just so thrilled to know you guys are actually watching my stuff. Don’t forget to leave me blog love as well.  Those will be thrown in the “hat” as well.  Good Luck!
  Stamp Happy be a blessing…. pssss… where the heck is my camera remote and that darn lace that I have “put in a safe place” and now can’t find. Drats!
  Here’s the video — enjoy!!