Trouble is now spelled Isabella!
Such a beautiful day here! I was able to accomplish even more than I planned, which for many just like me is a really good thing.
I started my morning with a trip to the post office, gas station and I took my husband’s car into be detailed. This time next Friday, a very long separation will come to an end.
I am excited and nervous, thankful and prayerful all at the same time.
I had a company come in and steam clean our carpets today. It has been a very long time since I had them done. We plan to replace the carpet in most of the house, but we decided to have them professionally done for now.
When the gentlemen was here cleaning, Isabella got herself in a bit of a quandary. She got a little too curious and started walking along the retaining wall. As you can see by that cute little face she wasn’t really sure how to solve her own dilemma.
I did go out and rescue her, the last thing I would want is for her to fall and become injured.
Once the carpets are dry I hope to be able to get my craft area back into order and get some projects started. Of course I have a laundry list of things that need to be accomplished in seven short days.
I hope you are all having a great day and enjoying this beautiful change of the seasons.
Stamp happy and be a blessing!