I received this award from Holly: http://hogwildaboutstamping.blogspot.com/
This award comes with the stipulations that I tell you ten things about myself and pass it on to seven other people. Let’s get the ten things out of the way first
1. I suffered great loss when my only sister died at the age of 42.
2. I love my husband and children.
3. I love to play violin.
4. My youngest son loves to make me smile!
5. I love to stamp and scrap.
6. I’m afraid of snakes.
7. I enjoy being outside, especially by the pool!
8. I don’t like confrontation.
9. I enjoy planting a garden in the spring and summer.
10. I am a bit of a silly soul and enjoy wearing pig tails from time to time!
Now for my seven nominees:
Today’s altered coaster project used the designer series DCSW double sided paper I used ribbons for the wire and the stamp is from Biblical Impressions Stamps. I sanded and sponged the edges. The ribbon at the bottom of the project was a left over from another project and I think it adds a lovely touch!
Have a super day, School is out, we are heading to the pool!