How exciting, I have absolutely loved the Wild Orchid flowers for the last two years. You see as a result of one person and her bulling, I found out who my true friends really where. That gives me great joy. During this process of re-evaluating myself more importantly how I treat and act around and toward others is an important. People will forget many things but how you make them feel they will never forget.
This was also the point while watching some amazing You Tube channels that I discovered two wonderful ning groups. I belong to several that I keep up with trends, products and wonderful tutorials but I have two that I am truly committed too.
The first is Your Paper Pantry, it is a $12.00 annual membership fee. Yup, ONE Dollar a month. Well worth it. There are so many truly amazingly creative people there. So many swaps so much to do and learn!
I host the Cutting Room floor swap and this month I also am hosting the stach diet challenge. We are making cards and book marks to give to a local senior center.
The second is My Scrap room. Also very talented folks very talented artists. Many swaps and fun things to do in this group as well.
When I saw the design team call, I had to go for it, so above is my submission. Hopefully the organization will announce the winner’s today.
Have a great day, Stamp happy be a blessing!