Lexie with Snickers Winter 2011
Good bye Lexie
As many of you know Mike and I have been privileged to be the fur parents to three dogs.
Lexie came home Mother’s day weekend in 2001. She was born in March and she died this afternoon. After a long and agonizing set of circumstances we made the joint decision it was no longer fair to allow her to have poor quality of life and she was starting to suffer physical pain from a congenital hip deformity.
She was our first fur baby. Once all three puppies are gone we will be done with fur babies. We love them and will enjoy what ever years we have. It will be no easier to have the other’s put to sleep. Lexie was especially hard.
Mike and I have cried, and still cry over the loss of this angel. We have put her collar on the floor in a common area so the other two can smell it. They keep looking at the door and Snickers keeps looking for her. In her usual haunts, like the puppy bed or by the food dish.
We have chosen to not have her ashes returned to us. We had considered burring her remains in the yard but are afraid that some wild animal would disturb her resting place.
Thank you for your kind comments on face book and those of you who have called we do appreciate everything you do. Keep us in your prayers. Loosing this precious puppy is just so hard.
Much love,